
Menampilkan postingan dari 2015


Mejuah-juah from Medan ^_^ In this occasion, I'll tell you all of amazing place in North Sumatera. These are only for you, all of world travellers. Let's see Days 1 For the first day, I suggest you to go to far place cause all of your spirit are still full. You can go to Kabanjahe's area. It will take around 1,5 hours to go there. So what can we get from this area ? There are so many, guys. Along the journey, you can feel fresh air and beautiful view. You can also see monkeys in the road but you must beware with the monkeys cause they are still wild and live in the trees that you can see along the road. If you wanna give them foods, you can give in Penatapan area but you arent out of the car just open your window and throw the food to them. Lets continue our journey. The first place that you can join is 1. Tahura (Taman Hutan Raya) For you are nature lovers, you can visit this place. This is Forest Park (Tahura) Bukit Barisan. It is one of the attractions ...


Hello semua, kembali bersama saya hehe Sekarang saya akan bercerita tentang kisahku dengan si angka 442..hehe Penasaran kan ? Langsung aja ya 442 bukanlah sebuah angka seperti yang kita ketahui seperti biasanya, 442 ini adalah sebuah nama clan dari senior saya yang saya kenal di perkuliahan tepatnya 442 itu adalah FourFourTwo. Tolong jangan tertawa karena ini. Nama 442 ini sama pentingnya dan sangat membantu saya sama seperti film Saras 008. Jika kalian pernah ingat dan menonton film ini pasti kalian pernah tahu tentang Saras 008. Bagi yang tidak tahu, saya ceritakan sedikit ya ^_^                 Saras 008 merupakan sebuah sinetron yang saya bilang bertemakan kepahlawanan yang ditayangkan di Indosiar dan merupakan film hasil produksi Rapi Films dari tahun 1998 sampai tahun 2000, bisa dibilang juga inilah film halusinasi saya sejak kecil..haha. Dengan dibintangi artis cantik dan aktor gantengnya, film ini sempat laris di perfilman Indonesia...


FERA My hometown: Cilacap Have you ever heard about Nusakambangan Island? An island where used to convict on death drugs prisoner. The island is part of my district, Cilacap. But do not imagine that I'm living in a prison. Cilacap not only a prison, but also a very beautiful beach and wonderful tourism. I live in the village instead of the city. It very close to nature. I spent my childhood with friends there. We played with a variety of plants and animals. One thing I admire most of the villagers is the way they are care to each other. they never thought of individualism. Unfortunately, today all no longer the same. Our rice fields have become housing. Agricultural production was reduced and affect its contribution to various aspects: social, economic, and even cultural. I always think "back to nature" is the best way to avoid distinction wherever we live on earth. ISLAM My name islam  I live in Giza Giza's second largest Egyptian cities And there...

My Hometown, Kabanjahe

Hello guys, today is special topic of my blog, why ? because today it's in English and tell about hometown of my friends in IELTS group. For the first and this is my blog, I'm the pioneer for this..hehe. I'll tell about my hometown, Kabanjahe... Let's see it...Thank                              Kabanjahe  is a town approximately 2 hours from Medan, North Sumatera. Kabanjahe is to the south of Berastagi. Kabanjahe is the capital of Karo Regency. Frequent buses connect the two towns and a journey takes about 90 minutes.  Most of the local people are  Karo w ho speak the  Batak Karo language.   A favorite food among locals is roast  pork.  Kabanjahe is the seat of government of Karo Regency. It is an education center of kindergarten through high school because most of the Karonese go to universities in outside locations, such as  Medan...

The Deepest Icon of MELAYU DELI

Melayu Deli Indonesia is the nickname of North Sumatra. Now we discuss the deepest in the Deli Malay icons. 1. Fat White Owner Marrow flavors Sweet Disgusted was the first response that comes out when we see this, as well as when I first saw this animal. Imagine holding it just never let alone eat it. However, I want to eat it..haha. Kidu are fat-bodied animals that have a body content such as flavored sweet marrow. Kidu and kidu-kidu it differ greatly. Kidu is a caterpillar in palm tree, Karonese usually take kidu for eating directly or cook with saffron, onion, garlic, and kincung. Kidu also eaten by rural communities in Sulawesi, usually found at the sago tree and they eat without cooking. It's the same. Let's try to eat it 2. Water Nira Nira water, derived from palm trees, It tastes sweet and refreshing and usually collect from the young palm trees that are cut. A bowl tied to the stump of flowers to collect it. White liquid of Nira is collected initially tend to ...
          Setelah sekian lama vakum dari dunia blog, akhirnya hari ini saya membuka dan memberikan coretan lagi di blog saya ini..hehe        Awal mula alasan membuka blog ini dikarenakan saya sudah kelar memikirkan beberapa deadline kemudian saya termotivasi lagi oleh sebuah training yang membukakan pikiran saya kembali. Sebenarnya apa yang dibahas di training sudah pernah disinggung orang tua dan paman saya mengenai cara mengelola sebuah pikiran cuma ya seperti kebanyakan orang yang lebih percaya dengan perkataan dunia luar daripada dunia dalam maka saya juga merasakan hal itu.         Jadi awal mula training ini, kami para peserta dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok yang terdiri dari 15 orang kemudian kami disuruh bermain games, menuliskan sebuah niat awal sebelum memulai pelatihan kemudian dibacakan didepan anggota grup kemudian dilanjutkan dengan seminar yang berkaitan dengan pelatihan serta aksi tanya jawab...